Top 10 Facts Insect Infestations Destroy Trees

Top 10 Facts Insect infestations Destroy trees.
Insect infestations can be a significant problem for trees. Here are some common insect infestations that trees can face:
  1. Emerald Ash Borer: This invasive beetle attacks ash trees and can cause significant damage to the tree’s structure and eventually kill it.
  2. Gypsy Moth: This invasive moth can defoliate large areas of forest and is known to feed on a wide variety of tree species.
  3. Pine Bark Beetle: This beetle attacks pine trees and can cause significant damage to the tree’s structure and eventually kill it.
  4. Tent Caterpillars: These caterpillars can defoliate entire trees and are known to feed on a wide variety of tree species.
  5. Japanese Beetle: This beetle feeds on the leaves and flowers of trees and can cause significant damage to the tree’s appearance.
  6. Spider Mites: These tiny pests can cause leaf discoloration and defoliation in trees, especially in dry or dusty conditions.
  7. Aphids: These tiny insects feed on the sap of trees and can cause stunted growth, leaf curling, and honeydew secretion.
  8. Scale Insects: These pests can cause significant damage to trees by feeding on the sap and secreting a sticky substance that attracts other pests.
  9. Whiteflies: These tiny insects can cause significant damage to trees by feeding on the sap and transmitting plant viruses.
  10. Bagworms: These pests can cause significant damage to trees by defoliating them, especially in large numbers.

If you notice any signs of insect infestation on your trees, it’s essential to consult with a professional tree service to diagnose and treat the problem before it becomes severe.