The Forest Giants in a Giant Forest

The Forest Giants in a Giant Forest

The Forest GiantsThe Forest GiantsMarch of 2019 brought the unveiling of The Forest Giants in a Giant Forest at Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest.

The family of three

And one on the way – will call Bernheim home for at least three years. Using only recycled wood from the region. Danish artist Thomas Dambo constructed Mama Loumari, Little Nis, Little Elina, and the third baby Giant, who is currently living in Mama’s belly.

They love to meet visitors of all ages and take photos to share with others. Be sure to share yours using @bernheimforest or #BernheimForestGiants! When planning your adventure, keep the following helpful tips in mind:

  • It is free to see the Forest Giants in Giant Forest sculptures. The $5 per car environmental impact fee on weekends and holidays still applies to non-members. A $10 donation is suggested per car for non-members.
  • The Visitor Center can provide maps, walking, and parking information, and more.
  • The Giants are within walking distance of each other. It is an approximately 2-mile loop to see all three. Parking is available near each of the Giants as well.
  • Photos are allowed and you may touch the giants, but please treat them with respect.
  • It is best that you do not climb on Mama Loumari at all. Little Elina and Little Nis welcome their visitors on their feet and hands, but no higher.
  • It is best that you visit in the off-peak times – before 11 a.m. or after 3 p.m. to have more one-on-one time with the giants.


For more information on the family and help with planning your trip, click here.

As Kentucky’s Official State Arboretum

Bernheim features 16,000 acres of wildlife sanctuary, a landscaped arboretum, and a visitor center that has an open, airy design, combining the latest “green” construction techniques.

Packed with indoor and outdoor exhibits – including the Forest Giants, canopy tree walk, scent and sound mazes, and new trails and walkways – Bernheim offers many opportunities to enjoy and learn about nature.

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