Sticky Leaves on Plants – Scale Insects are small bugs.

Sticky leaves on plants. Where do scale insects come from? Scale insects are small bugs that kills plants.

Adults’ females of scale insects have soft bodies and no limbs.

They are concealed underneath domed scales.

Sticky Leaves on Plants

They use large qualities of wax for protection. Some of the scale insects are hermaphroditic.

They have a combined ovotestis. However, males look different from females.

Males have wings and legs. Scales insects are known to be herbivores.

Herbivores are known for eating plants.

The scale insects pierce plant tissues with their mouth.

The mouth stays in place.

The mouth then ends up feeding a sap.

They do have a relationship with ants.

But this relationship is a mutualistic one.

This is because both ants and scale insects feed on honeydew.

By scale insects and ants feeding on honeydew, they are protecting them from predators.

There are many scale insects out there. Overall, there are 8,000 kinds of scales insects out there.


Scale insects are very sneaky. You can never know for certain of where scale insects come from.

Scale insects can come from anywhere.

This also includes other insects too.

Scales insects can come from a houseplant that was brought back home from the local Home Depot or the local Lowe’s store.

Scale insects can come from contaminated potting soil.

This is especially true if you’re using potting soil in your garden and you don’t use it for a long while.

The potting soil can go bad and become contaminated.

Scale insects can come from that. Scale insects can come from where you are using a dirty plant plot.

An example of this would be if you have a plant plot but you don’t’ want to toss it out into the trash.

This is because you feel that you may be saving money by reusing an old and dirty plant plot.

You want to use the plot to grow a plant outside of your home.

When a contaminated potting soil is used, scale insects can come from a contaminated potting soil.

This is something that you have to keep an eye on.

If you decide to move your houseplants outside of your home during the summer due to the heat, scale insects can come from that too.

This is because scale insects often thrive during the summer months of March, April, May, June, July, and sometimes August.

They tend to gather around your houseplants outside and come into your home.

This is due to scale insects making an attempt to escape the heat from outside during the summer months.

Sticky Leaves on Plants – Scale Insects are small bugs.

Another way that scale insects can come from is from fresh produce.

Fresh produce refers to food that is fresh from the grocery store.

The kind of fresh produce that is stacked on shelves in the fruits and meat section of a grocery store.

Often, fresh produce is newly fresh before it arrives at a customer’s home.

When fresh produce is brought home from the grocery store.

Scale insects can come from that.

Scale insects can come from cut flowers from the garden.

When you are in your garden outside of the home.

And you are cutting up cut flowers, scale insects can become attached to cut flowers.

Scale insect can come from cut flowers.

This is one way from gardening that scale insects can come from.

Likewise, scale insects can come from the grocery store.

When you are buying fresh produce and other types of foods, insects can follow their way home to your place of residence.

This is true for scale insects. Scale insects can definitely come from the grocery store.

They can come into your home.

The last way that scale insects can come from is through an open window.

When you open a window during the summer months, insects can find their way into your home.

Sticky Leaves on Plants – Scale Insects are small bugs.

By opening up the windows inside your home, you are giving the scale insects an invitation to come inside your home.

Another reason for scale insects to come through an open window inside your home is due to the fact that scale insects are tiny.

They can not be easily seen by a human eye so you don’t know.