How To Grow Marigolds

How To Grow Marigolds? They are one of the most vibrant and brightly colored flowers of the summer which is probably why they are so popular.

With their beautiful copper, brass, and gold colors it’s like having bright sunshine all of the time.

The fact that they bloom all summer long just adds to their popularity.

How To Grow Marigolds?

These flowers have carnation- or daisy-type flower heads.

That can bloom in bunches or just a single flower.

There are actually fifty different kinds of marigolds.

We usually only see about four of those species.

The four different ones we usually see in gardens are.

English or pot marigolds – these are not real marigolds.

They’re called a “companion plant” and you can eat them.

They have a pepper-like, tangy taste and are usually grown in an herb garden.

French marigolds – how to grow marigolds?

these flowers are more compact.

Most of the time their width is larger than their height.

They are pretty much a meek, mild flower and can grow up to twenty-four inches tall.

And thrive better in climates with a lot of rain.

Signet marigold

These little ones are some of the smallest marigolds and hardly ever reach twelve inches tall.

They seem to thrive better in dry, hot climates.

American, Mexican, or African marigolds

These are the tallest standing marigolds, and they grow up to over three – feet tall with big, beautiful flowers.

These marigolds can survive even in some of the worst drought conditions.

They usually offer a strong, sweet-smelling fragrance.

How To Grow Marigolds?

The signet marigolds and the French marigolds are usually planted from around the middle of the spring to the middle of the summer.

African marigolds need to be in the ground right at the very beginning of spring (as soon as the last cold spell is gone).

In most marigolds, the seeds can be planted directly in the ground.

As long as the soil is warm enough, the African marigold is better purchased as a young plant instead of seeds.

It’s also much better if you start them by planting them indoors first for about six weeks before the last cold spell.

In a week’s time, you should see little sprouts and within eight weeks the beautiful flowers should be starting to bloom.


Deciding where to plant your marigolds would depend on which ones you purchase.

The French marigolds are partial to more moisture.

While the African and Signet marigolds will thrive better in the warmer, dry weather.

Make sure not to plant them in shady areas.

Or in cool areas, because they will not bloom very well and will get a type of mildew on them.

They can grow in just ab0ut any type of soil but seem to do better in soil that drains well.

To get the soil ready for planting you need to dig about six 0r seven inches down.

Break up the soil to make sure there are no sticks or stones.

PLANTING MARIGOLDS – How To Grow Marigolds

If you start an African marigold from just a seed.

It will take a lot longer to bloom than if you start it as a youngling.

While the French marigolds are more easily started from the seeds.

Make sure that the soil is moist BEFORE you plant the seeds.

If the soil has little to no nutrients then you can add a fertilizer that is slow releasing.

Seeds need to be planted less than one-inch down.

African seeds need to be planted apart at twelve-inch intervals.

While the Signet and French marigold seeds will need about eight inches apart.

Planting a marigold in the ground is actually better for them than planting them in pots.

Because they end up being overcrowded with less room to grow and bloom.

This can restrict your flowers from being smaller.


When your plant starts to grow, if you’ll pinch off the tops of the plant then it will promote bushier growth and more flowers.

Remember to prune any of the dying flowers, this will allow the plant to continue making flowers.

Always add water to the base of the marigolds, never, ever put water on the leaves.

Add water to your marigolds only when the soil is starting to dry out a little.

If you have double heads on the African marigolds, they will rot in wet, rainy weather.

Make sure to add mulch in between the plants so it will keep the weeds to a minimum.

During the growth period, don’t add fertilizer to them.

It will cause the foliage to grow beautifully, but the flowers won’t grow well.


This promotes -the production of more flowers, extending its season.

Doing this is so simple. When the flower starts to die, cut or pinch the stem down to the leaves.

This will make the plant grow more blooms.


Marigolds make amazing companion plants. French marigolds will make wo0rms repel.

These worms will attack garden vegetable roots.

Usually vegetables like strawberries, squash, garlic, and others.

For your marigolds to be able to repel these worms, don’t plant them right next to the vegetables.

Plant a bunch of them (during the spring) around the area where you want to plant the vegetables in the fall.

In late summer take the marigolds away and then plant your vegetables.


To make a flower arrangement.

You will need to take off any leaves that might end up in the water when put in a vase.

These flowers can be dried out.

Take the leaves off then hang them to dry out and it makes for a perfect flower arrangement.



Jubilee, Safari, Gold Coin, and French Vanilla


Hero, Little Hero, Aurora, Bonanza, Boy O’ Boy, and Janie.

This guide should help you to plant some beautiful, healthy marigolds.

Enjoy some of the most beautiful and striking summer flowers there are.

It’ll make your yard vibrant, bright, and look like a field of sunshine!

Your neighbors will be so envious!