What Is The Best Insecticide For Whiteflies?

What Is The Best Insecticide For Whiteflies?

BioAdvanced 701810A Systemic Plant Fertilizer and Insecticide with Imidacloprid 12 Month Tree & Shrub Protect & Feed, 32 oz, Concentrate. 

What Is The Best Insecticide For Whiteflies? What Is A Whitefly? The whitefly is an insect that is entirely white. And about one-tenth of an inch long.

They usually go unseen because they live on the underside of a leaf.

They lay their eggs on the leaf’s underside. And then proceed to feed off of the leaf. Damaging the leaf and the plant.

They have an amazingly fast life cycle. Females lay about a hundred eggs. And it takes around three weeks for those eggs to become an adult. Then those adults are now ready to lay eggs.

This type of life cycle is the reason why it is so hard to get rid of the whiteflies. They grow so rapidly.

What Are Some Ways To Get Rid Of Whiteflies?

Here is a list of several ways that you can rid your plants of whiteflies. And what insecticides work best on them.

Whitefly Sticky Trap (they are usually yellow with a thick adhesive on them).

These traps are just what they imply, traps, not killers. You put these in locations all over your garden. The insects get stuck to the adhesive strip.

When it fills up you just dump it and put an0ther strip in.

Whitefly Parasites (these are insects that eat whiteflies and their eggs).

These parasites are the least expensive way to control whiteflies. They are attracted to a honeydew smell that the whitefly produces.

The whitefly parasite feeds on the honeydew smell and the bodily fluids of the whitefly.

Neem Oil Concentrate Insecticide (this is an extract of neem oil).

Neem oil’s effect on insects is amazing. Which is the reason that so many companies use it in their insecticides.

Neem oil gets into the system of the whitefly and keeps the eggs from hatching. It stops the nymphs and larvae from growing.

And it affects the mating which in turn keeps the new eggs from forming.

It keeps the whiteflies from inhabiting places by acting as a repellant.

There are two ways that neem oil can get into an insect’s system.

One way is that the oil is mixed with water and sprayed onto the plant. When the insect feeds off of the plant, the oil gets into its system.

The other way is that the insect’s skin touches the plant, and the neem oil gets in the skin.

Horticultural Oil Insecticide (this is a mix of various oils).

This oil is a great way to kill whiteflies. You don’t spray it directly. It has to be mixed with water. The water to insecticide ratio is printed on the instructions on the bottle.

Horticultural oil is not like neem oil, it doesn’t get into the system of the insect. Whiteflies breathe through their skin.

When the horticultural oil is sprayed on the colony. It covers the insect body, keeping them from being able to breathe and the insect dies.

Whitefly Killer Soap Insecticide (this is a non-toxic soap).

The soap insecticide works a lot like the horticultural oil. You mix the soap with a little water. Put it on the plant and when the insect touches the plant.

The soap gets on the insect’s skin. And keeps it from being able to breathe, thereby killing the insect.

Whitefly Insecticide Spray (this is a chemical concussion).

This product, although it works extremely well in killing the whitefly. It is not recommended due to the toxicity level.

The levels are high enough to harm plants and it is not safe for use around children or pets.

When & How To Use Insecticides?

Even if you are using non-toxic insecticides. You still should cover your face and body before using it. You can usually find the instructions for use on the bottle.

The concentrated forms of insecticide need to be diluted with water. And are usually sprayed every three-four weeks.

Once it’s killed most of the insects you will need to continue to spray every two or three months.

So Which Insecticide Is The Best For Killing Whiteflies?

Neem oil insecticide would be the best choice for killing whiteflies. It’s simple to use and can be used as an insecticide, fungicide, miticide, or pesticide.

Neem oil is organic, non-toxic, and safe for birds and plants. And it can be used around pets and children.

However, if the oil gets on your skin, even though it’s non-toxic. Make sure to wash the area extremely well.

You still wouldn’t want to inhale any type of insecticide whether it’s toxic or not.

Not only does neem oil kill whiteflies. But it also gets rid of fruit flies, caterpillars, mites, Japanese beetles, and many more insects.

Neem oil is a safe way to rid your plants from whiteflies!