Top 25 Pests and Diseases Of Trees

Here are the top 25 pests and diseases of trees:


  1. Emerald Ash Borer
  2. Gypsy Moth
  3. Asian Longhorned Beetle
  4. Pine Bark Beetle
  5. Bagworms
  6. Tent Caterpillars
  7. Aphids
  8. Spider Mites
  9. Whiteflies
  10. Scale Insects
  11. Mealybugs
  12. Japanese Beetle
  13. Leafminers
  14. Sawflies
  15. Carpenter Ants
  16. Eastern Tent Caterpillar
  17. Fall Webworm
  18. Tussock Moth
  19. Woolly Adelgid
  20. Elm Leaf Beetle
  21. Leafhoppers
  22. Marmorated Stink Bug
  23. Thrips
  24. Borers
  25. Fruit Tree Pests


  1. Dutch Elm Disease
  2. Oak Wilt
  3. Chestnut Blight
  4. Dogwood Anthracnose
  5. Apple Scab
  6. Cedar Apple Rust
  7. Powdery Mildew
  8. Fire Blight
  9. Verticillium Wilt
  10. Black Knot
  11. Rusts
  12. Sudden Oak Death
  13. Pine Wilt
  14. Armillaria Root Rot
  15. Brown Rot
  16. Canker Diseases
  17. Leaf Spot Diseases
  18. Phytophthora Root Rot
  19. Root Rot Diseases
  20. Anthracnose
  21. Fusarium Wilt
  22. Needle Cast
  23. White Pine Blister Rust
  24. Botrytis Blight
  25. Scorch Diseases

Proper tree care, including regular inspections and prompt treatment of any pests or diseases, can help protect trees from these and other threats. I

It’s essential to consult with a professional tree service to identify and address any potential issues and to develop a plan for ongoing tree care and maintenance.