Clever Gardening Tips To Save Time

Clever Gardening Tips To Save Time. Anybody who has a well-cared-for garden would know how much time can be spent in your garden.

Clever Gardening Tips To Save Time

Planting, weeding, watering and so much more! It seems like a never-ending chore and ends up making gardening, not as fun and relaxing as you thought it would be.

It is made even worse if you grew everything from cuttings and seeds.

Clever Gardening Tips To Save Time

I think most people decide to start a garden if they have nothing else to do simply because it takes up all of their time.

The thing is that people who spend all of their time doing this and have been doing it for years know that there are many tricks and tips to making it a little bit easier.

So, after talking to a few of my gardener friends, they gave me some time-saving tips for me to share.


Clever Gardening Tips To Save Time,

One of the best time-saving tricks is to make sure that all your gardening tools in your tool shed are organized for you to find them a lot easier.

Make sure that you have everything you need ahead of time this way you don’t have to keep making trips back and forth to the store all day.

Don’t forget to have fertilizer on hand at all times too. Before summer gets here make sure to grab fertilizer that is slow – releasing this way you will need a lot less of the liquid feed and your plants will grow stronger.


If you have quite a bit of space to fill for flowers, a wonderful way to do that is to plant bulbs that will bloom just before May in a large area of lawn every fall, this will give you flowers from January – to – May. The rest of the time just have the space as a yard.


Don’t give yourself more work to do than necessary. High-maintenance plants take so much of your time and energy. Try planting low – maintenance plants.

Plants like lilies and begonias, dahlias, and gladiolus. They all make beautiful flowers and they do not demand a lot of attention or work.

Learn to make things easier on yourself and you will enjoy your gardening time much more.


Mulching can be a hugely time-consuming job. Having to spread it all out before winter hits. It’s one of the jobs that take more time than most and it can usually cost quite a bit.

However, when spring hits you will be so happy that you did it. Mulch keeps weeds from growing as much and it helps the soil which ends up promoting healthier and stronger plants and roots.


If you have slugs that you need to get under control. Or if you just want slug prevention before a problem ever starts, then ducks would be your best friend.

Mini Appleyard ducks and Bantam ducks will take care of this problem for you.

Just let them wander around your garden around the month of May.

You won’t have to worry about slugs ruining your plants.


If you have done any gardening at all you know that pests are your worst enemy! Waiting until the problem starts to take care of it just isn’t a good idea. Instead of taking care of it after there is already a problem, take care of it before there is a problem. How? You mix in some plants that pests don’t like. Plants like kale. It looks amazing and pests stay away from them. Also, plants like marigold, garlic, and lemongrass are natural pest repellants.


If your plants are in pots then you can cut the watering time down if you plant things in large pots. It takes a lot longer for the soil to dry out in a bigger container. For a beautiful idea to make your garden look striking, add long pots, or even cow troughs and plant them full of roses or tulips. This makes for a beautiful, fabulous-looking garden.


Staking plants early will make it take longer when you’re planting but it takes a lot less time to stake them when you plant them than to have to go back and stake them at a later date once they have grown bigger. When you try to stake a plant that has already bent over, it will take you so much longer because then you are trying to write something that has already gone wrong. Make it right, from the beginning, and save yourself from a lot more work and time later.


When your plants start to go to sleep, make sure to put in some support. Look for long strips of birch (silver) and weave them up around stakes that curve. It will make your garden look as if it is getting ready for the blooming season that’s coming not to mention that it gives structure to your plants while they sleep.


Always bring a container with you when you are gardening to carry around all of the gardening tools. It’s really annoying when you go back to the shed repeatedly getting the tools you need then when you are completely finished, you have to make a couple of trips to haul everything back to the tool shed. As you finish with each tool, put it in the container. It’ll keep you from walking around your garden trying to find all of the tools that you left behind.

Hopefully, all of these tips it help you to save a lot of time and trouble. I know personally, I have wasted so much time doing things the hard way, but isn’t that how we always do things until someone tells or shows us better? Now you, as well I, have some helpful tips and tricks that we can put to use. I don’t know about you, but I am looking forward to getting out in my garden and trying some of these and restocking everything I’ll need for planting season. Happy gardening!