3 reasons why trees are important

3 reasons why trees are important. Trees are an unavoidable part of our daily lives. Trees provide oxygen, store carbon, and provide food for wildlife.

3 reasons why trees are important - 15 Biggest Trees On The Earth

Aside from these advantages, trees provide us with the materials we need to build shelters and other tools.

This planet’s longest-living species provides life for us until we die.

According to studies, being surrounded by trees and green space lowers your blood pressure, slows your heart rate, and lowers your stress levels in minutes.

Here are three major reasons why we need trees in our lives.

1. Trees shelter millions of organisms that protect humans from sickness.

Rainforests are home to about half of all plants and animals. However, the extinction of millions of species is a major issue.

3 reasons why trees are important

Furthermore, studies show that many species are vanishing at a faster rate than we realize. The majority of our medicines are derived from plants found in the jungle.

Almost half of all medications are derived from coral reef species. However, because humans are destroying forest environments. We are losing precious species that are essential to our survival.

2. Trees cool our streets and cities.

Also, trees both block sunlight and offer shade for people. Trees reduce the warmth of the planet. Shaded surfaces, for example, are cooler than unshaded surfaces.

Trees use less energy to cool and heat their surroundings. For example, a handful of trees surrounding your house might reduce your power bill.

The trees that surround the home save your air conditioning costs by 30%.

Because trees provide windbreaks, the energy required for heating is decreased by nearly half. Climate control via evapotranspiration by trees is another common benefit for humans.

The process of evaporating water from the roots and through the leaves is known as evapotranspiration.

When water transforms to vapor, the air that surrounds the place cools.

Over the course of a year, a massive oak tree releases nearly 40,000 gallons of water into the sky.

Cities are subjected to extreme heat every year. According to studies and expert opinion, we need a canopy coverage of 40% to prevent heat.

Cities get hotter as a result of concrete, poor air quality, and a lack of green space. Large structures are also contributing to the rise in temperature.

Half of the world’s population lives in cities, which adds insult to injury in the current heatwave. Only by planting trees all around the world will we be able to beat the heat.

The simple act of planting trees spares the world from a major tragedy in the future. Otherwise, humanity will have no choice but to suffer in the heat.

3. Trees provide protection against flooding and water pollution.

Landslides and floods are typical occurrences in many places across the world. Mature trees shield these settlements from flooding and landslides.

How? Trees help to maintain soil by absorbing water and stabilizing it at the root. Every year, trees absorb around 2000 gallons of water.

Every year, the absence of trees or deforestation increases the chance of flooding.

As demonstrated in all flood-affected towns.

Floods and landslides are clearly less damaging in areas with more trees. Then in areas with fewer trees.

Tree roots aid in the filtering of hazardous chemicals and toxins from storm runoff that ends up in lakes, streams, and rivers.

Above all, only rainwater from forests can provide pure drinking water. Woods provide clean drinking water to people in the United States.

The US Forest Service has confirmed this to the rest of the globe. In simple terms, more trees mean more water and more peace.


Trees that surround our homes. Or the areas where we live provide us with the peace of mind we require these days.

If we live in a wooded region. Our blood pressure is lower than expected, and our immune system is fortified.

It’s a wrap.

What do you think will happen if trees are not planted in the future? Simply expressed, a lack of trees destroys the ecosystem. Which leads to difficult living circumstances.

Droughts, huge storms, floods, and pandemics are all caused by deforestation. Yes, trees have a dual impact on us by causing climate change and easing stress.

To rescue the environment from global warming. We must educate our children on the value of trees in their lives.